News & Blog
When you live among fascinating neighbors in the heart of a cultural mecca, there’s never a dull moment. Catch up on the latest news from our Towson retirement community here.
See what’s happening in Edenwald’s retirement living community in Towson:
Keep Yourself or a Loved One Safe from Financial Exploitation
Learn how with AARP’s free, two-part webinar. The Costs of Financial Exploitation & Tips to Prevent It Part 1: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Part 2: Thursday, January 30, 2020 Time: 7 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. CT/5:00 p.m. MT/4:00 p.m. PT Can …
How to Stay Active in the Winter
When the weather is pleasant, it’s easy to take a quick stroll outside or get your exercise in by raking leaves or walking the dog. But as the days turn colder, it can become more difficult to get out and …
A Pattern of Inner Peace
The repetitive needlework of knitting induces a relaxed state similar to that achieved through meditation or yoga. It’s no surprise that knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure and stress levels. However, unlike meditation, craft activities result …
Another Benefit to Going to Museums? You May Live Longer
Numerous studies have shown that art and music can help soothe chronic pain, stave off symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and accelerate brain development in young children. Now, there is evidence that simply being exposed to the arts may help people live longer. Researchers …
Thriving in Volunteer Roles After Retirement
You’ve been in the workforce for decades. You’ve always wanted to volunteer but never found the time. Or perhaps you’ve volunteered in small ways such as a holiday contribution to the Salvation Army Angel Tree or donating a turkey to …
Resident donates 50-year old microscope to The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools
This past Wednesday, one of our gracious Edenwald residents donated his 50-year old microscope from his time working as the head of hematology for a local hospital in Baltimore. This gift was received by Deborah Phelps, the Executive Director for …
Practice Yoga To Lower Blood Pressure
Practicing yoga calms both mind and body. A recent study found that 11 weeks of regular yoga reduced participants’ systolic blood pressure (an indicator of cardiovascular disease) by 33 points. Additionally, yoga for seniors can help to reduce other chronic …